What To Do After Detoxification:


You should cleanse your body daily with these diets, supplements and life practices:


Again, incorporate fiber into your diet. Fiber foods include brown rice and organically grown fresh fruits and vegetables.  Some excellent detoxifying foods include: beets, cabbage, broccoli, radishes, artichokes, seaweed, chlorella and spirulina.


Intake herbs such as burdock, milk thistle, dandelion roots and drink green tea to cleanse and protect your liver.


Daily intake of Vitamin C is perfect for helping your body produce glutathione which is a liver compound that rids of toxins.


Drink at least 2 quarts of water daily.


Take deep breaths to get oxygen to circulate throughout your entire system.


Keep positive thoughts and emotions to rid of stress.

Take a super hot shower for 5 minutes.  Allow the water to run down your back.  Repeat this 3 times, then get into bed for 30 minutes.  This is the practice of hydrotherapy.


Get in a sauna and sweat, this will  remove wastes through your perspiration.


Try detox foot spas/foot baths to remove toxins through your pores or try a dry brush.  These brushes are available through natural health stores in your area.


Peter Bennett, N.D., believes the most important way to detoxify is through exercise.  For one hour each day try Qigong which is a martial arts based exercise that includes exercises that are specifically designed for detoxification.  Also try Yoga, jump-roping as well as many other exercises that have health benefits and again for one hour each day.

Visit our site for more info on Detoxing and Fasting in Phuket, Thailand.


The Benefits Of Yoga:


Yoga seems to show significant results in relieving various kinds of chronic pain.  German researches studied Iyengar Yoga and a self-care exercise program being used with people who suffer from chronic neck pain.  Yoga significantly reduced pain by more than half.  UCLA researchers studied young women with rheumatoid arthritis and debilitating autoimmune disorder which is caused by the immune system attacking the lining of joints.  Half the women who took part in this six week Iyengar Yoga program showed improvements in the level of the pain while also relieving anxiety and depression.


A recent study conducted by the University of Virginia stated that Yoga may help people with various health risks including obesity, type 2 diabetes and sedentary.  42 people were chosen for the test that had not practiced yoga within the last year.  The study lasted for an 8 week Iyengar Yoga program.  By the end of the study, 80% said they felt calmer and were experiencing better, overall, physical capabilities.


Kim Innes, a Kundalini Yoga practitioner and professor at the University of Virginia believes that yoga is very accessible and participants who believed they could not do yoga, experienced benefits after the first session.  She is convinced that those who become involved in a gentle yoga with an experienced therapists will become hooked!


The Future For Yoga:


Lisa Uebelacker, a psychologist at Brown University, has been examining yoga as a therapy for depression after practicing and studying mindfulness meditation.  Yoga seems to have a great deal of promise for helping persistent dark fog depression.


Uebelacker does not believe that seated yoga would be very beneficial for depressants but does believe that yoga movements could give depressants something to focus on vs worrying about their futures or regretting the pasts.


A study in 2007 at UCLA examined yoga's affect people with clinically depressed people whom antidepressants only provide partial benefits.  After 8 weeks of practicing Iyengar Yoga three times a week, patients reported significant decreases in both anxiety and depression.  Uebelacker is starting a clinical trial that she hopes will give a clearer picture of the benefits of yoga.


Through modern technologies like MRI screenings and looking at yoga practices and meditation, can yoga affect the brain positively?  Research is underway to see how the brain reacts when the patient is in meditation.  Long term yoga practitioners have experienced changes in brain structures allowing them less reactive and less emotional explosives.  They are not experiencing things on the same scale.


Colon health is critical for a long and productive life.  Detoxing, eating healthy foods and getting yearly checkups from your doctor will make this happen.  If you feel you are having problems that seem to be occurring from your intestines, have your doctor run tests.  If you feel overly sluggish, have your doctor run tests.  There is no need to live uncomfortably because of toxins that have been building up in your body.  With proper detoxification and paying attention to your body could also protect you from colon cancer.  Always incorporate a good exercise program into your daily life.  Not only will you tone up and look better but you will help remove those toxins that are dragging you down.


How To Start A Detoxification Process:


You must eliminate alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, saturated fats and refined sugar.  All these items act as toxins and are obstacles in the detoxing process.  You should also ease up on household cleaners and personal hygiene products such as shampoos, deodorants, toothpastes and cleansers, instead use natural alternatives. 


Try and stay away from stress, as it is a deterrent to good health.  Stress releases hormones into your system and in large numbers will create toxins and slow down your detoxification enzymes within the liver.  Even though stress hormones can cause a flow of adrenaline that is helpful with deadlines, it's not good when detoxifying  Yoga, Qigong and Mediation are effective ways to relieve stress.


Detox & Fasting 34/18 Soi King Pattana 4. Saiyuan Road
Rawai, Phuket
08 1272 0571 atsumihealingcom@gmail.com